Thursday, June 29, 2006

Measure of a Person

I have always fully believed that if you want to know a person, really, really know who they are and what they believe, you take a look at their friends. What are they like, what do they hold dear, how do they behave?

As I'm writing this, I realize that I'm actually going to be giving myself some pretty lovely compliments because my friends are among some of the most stellar human beings on this planet.

And speaking of stellar leads me to my friend, Bruce Locke. Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, my spiritual big brother, Bruce. I first heard of Bruce when my husband walked into our cheap hotel room in Orlando and said, "I met one of your co-stars. He's outside trying to open a couple of bottles by hooking the caps on the edge of the curb. Then he's stomping them with his foot. I think he's coming over in a couple of minutes."

A few moments later, a polite knock sounded at the door. I opened it and there was Bruce. I asked him, "Are you the one that's going to smack me tomorrow?" and our friendship was born.

We were brought together by a tv show called Mortal Kombat Conquest. On our very first day, he had to "hit" me, and if you want to talk about an instant trust builder, think about walking up to a stranger and ask them to pretend to belt you, but that they must miss your face by mere millimeters.

If you'd like to see pictures of us, throw our names into a search engine along with the name of the show. I would post them myself, but I actually feel kind of shy about posting how I looked in my costume. I cannot believe I had the body, and quite frankly, the audacity, to run around in that piece of green dental floss!!! Ahhh, youth...

Both Bruce and I were villains, which always strikes me as hi-lar-i-ous with respect to Bruce, not because he's a bad actor. On the contrary, he's great, but because as a person, he is the complete opposite of villain. My husband's family has this phrase about "art, class, and perfection" and to me, Bruce is all that, most especially, pure class.

I have a lot to thank Bruce for. One of the greatest things is the very home our family is living in. He advised me and my husband to buy a house here in L.A. six years ago when real estate in this area was still relatively affordable. Thanks to his encouragement, we purchased a home whose equity has helped us to finance three of my dreams. One, to have a lovely, cozy home we consider our own personal Shangri-La. Two, to stay home with my son for the first two years of his life, and three, to invest in One Wee World.

This is something for which Bruce will always have my gratitude. His complete support of One Wee World. He has thrown himself, body, mind, and soul into this project and it has meant so much to me. Bruce is one of the members of the Wee team who will be handling the "business" end of things, while pitching in on the "creative" side. Our website will be up soon and you'll be able to view his bio there. You'll see why I'm so excited to be partnered with him on this, our contribution to the nourishment of hope and peace in the world.

My next post'll be about the business advisor to the Wee Team. Through an incredible stroke of synchronicity, One Wee World will reap untold benefits from a woman whose business acumen has won her many awards and whose personal attributes have made her a cherished friend.


At 5:40 AM, Blogger Juliet said...

Friends like that are a rare find. You are very lucky to have a friend like Bruce, and he is very lucky to have a friend like you. I can tell even from the few posts you have written that you are a very kind person. ^_^


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